Saturday, January 26, 2008

Comic Book Movie - The Flash - News....

Producer Chuck Roven has been pretty chatty recently. He talked to IESB about keeping the scarlet speedster's experience insular. "First of all, 'Justice League' -- as I understand what Warner and George Miller were doing -- it was a complete reinvention of all the characters in it," Roven said. "The Batman character in that one has nothing to do with our Dark Knight. Had that happened, he would have been played by a different individual. We did talk about how we would handle it if 'Justice League' would have been made prior to 'Flash' being made. We talked about how we would deal with that. We hadn't come to any resolution because we hadn't written the script yet but I'm saying that it came up. At the moment, at least in my little world -- well, not so little but you know what I mean -- I get to be myopic and get to focus only on 'The Flash' and 'The Dark Knight.' I don't have to worry about 'Justice League' at the moment. There are those who might say that I never have to worry about 'Justice League,' but I know I'm going to have to talk about it ... At the moment, I like them being in their own universes. It's hard for me to think about something in the future."

Thanks to Comic Book Resources

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